Wednesday 22 May 2024




  1. Write a note on the education of Raju. -Raju's education was informal and began under his father's guidance. He learned basic literacy and arithmetic while assisting in his father's shop at the Malgudi railway station. His education was practical, focusing on skills useful for running the shop and interacting with customers.

  2. How did Raju react to the railways coming to Malgudi? -Raju was excited about the railways coming to Malgudi. He saw it as an opportunity to expand his father's business and to meet new people. The arrival of the railway brought a sense of adventure and possibility to his life.

  3. Why does Raju shut down his father's old shop? -Raju shuts down his father's old shop because it was not profitable after the arrival of the railway. The new business opportunities at the railway station offered greater prospects, prompting him to focus his efforts there instead.

  4. Describe Raju's first impression of Rosie. -Raju's first impression of Rosie was one of fascination and admiration. He was struck by her beauty and grace, particularly her expressive eyes and her passion for dance, which he found captivating and unlike anyone he had met before.

  5. How does Rosie react to the dance of the cobra? -Rosie reacts to the dance of the cobra with excitement and enthusiasm. She is deeply moved and inspired by the cobra's movements, which rekindle her passion for dance and highlight her innate connection to her art.

  6. What is Raju's mother's opinion of Rosie? -Raju's mother disapproves of Rosie. She sees Rosie as a disruptive influence on Raju, criticizing her background and lifestyle. Her conservative views make her wary of Rosie's impact on their family and household.

  7. Describe Raju and Gaffur's friendship. -Raju and Gaffur share a close friendship based on mutual respect and understanding. Gaffur, a taxi driver, often helps Raju with his business ventures and provides him with practical advice. Their friendship is marked by loyalty and trust.

  8. Describe Marco's appearance. -Marco is depicted as a serious, scholarly man, often dressed in formal, old-fashioned clothing. He wears thick glasses and is usually absorbed in his research, giving him an air of detachment and aloofness.

  9. How did Raju's father educate him initially? -Raju's father educated him by having him help out in the railway shop. He taught Raju basic literacy and numeracy skills, which were essential for managing the business, interacting with customers, and handling transactions.

  10. Which incident prompted Raju's father to send him to a proper school? -Raju's father decided to send him to a proper school after noticing Raju's growing curiosity and intelligence. A specific incident isn't detailed, but the decision was made to ensure Raju received a more formal education to complement his practical learning.

  11. How did Raju's mother get him ready for school? -Raju's mother prepared him for school by making sure he was clean and well-dressed. She would wake him up early, ensure he bathed, and packed his lunch. Her care ensured he attended school regularly and on time.

  12. Describe Raju's first meeting with Velan. -Raju's first meeting with Velan occurs when Velan comes to the temple seeking advice. Mistaking Raju for a holy man, Velan treats him with reverence and respect. This encounter marks the beginning of Raju's unintended journey as a spiritual guide.

  13. How did the barber guess the time of Raju's prison sentence? -The barber guessed the time of Raju's prison sentence by observing his appearance. He noted Raju's disheveled look and demeanor, which suggested he had been away for an extended period, typical of someone who had served a prison term.

  14. Why does Rosie get married to Marco? -Rosie marries Marco because she hopes for a better life and stability. Marco's status as an educated and affluent man promises her security, although she later finds the relationship unfulfilling and restrictive due to Marco's indifference to her passion for dance.

  15. Describe Rosie's first performance. -Rosie's first performance as Nalini is a resounding success. She captivates the audience with her grace, skill, and expressive dance, establishing herself as a talented and promising artist. This performance marks the beginning of her professional dance career.

  16. What role did Velan's sister play in establishing Raju as a holy man? -Velan's sister, who sought Raju's blessings for her marriage, inadvertently helps establish Raju as a holy man. Her belief in Raju's spiritual powers spreads to the villagers, who start to see him as a revered figure capable of providing divine guidance.

  17. Write a note on the early life of Raju. -Raju's early life was spent in Malgudi, helping his father in the railway shop. He learned practical business skills and interacted with diverse travelers. His informal education and exposure to various people shaped his charm and communication abilities.

  18. Briefly describe the inauguration of the Malgudi Railway Station. -The inauguration of the Malgudi Railway Station was a significant event, marked by excitement and celebration. It brought new opportunities for trade and travel, transforming the town and its economy. The event symbolized progress and connectivity for Malgudi.

  19. How does Raju transform his platform shop into a book stall? -Raju transforms his platform shop into a book stall by capitalizing on the increased foot traffic at the railway station. He expands his inventory to include newspapers, magazines, and books, catering to the interests of travelers and boosting his business.

  20. How did Raju's appreciation of Rosie's dance ambition bring them together? -Raju's appreciation of Rosie's dance ambition brings them together as he encourages and supports her passion, unlike her husband Marco. His genuine admiration for her talent and efforts to promote her career create a strong bond between them, leading to a deeper relationship.

  21. Give an account of Rosie's life at Raju's house. -Rosie's life at Raju's house is marked by her dedication to dance and practice. While she finds emotional support and encouragement from Raju, she also faces disapproval from Raju's mother and societal judgment. Despite challenges, she continues to pursue her artistic aspirations.

  22. Give a brief character sketch of Raju's mother. -Raju's mother is a traditional, conservative woman who values societal norms and family honor. She is hardworking, practical, and devoted to her son. However, she disapproves of Rosie's influence on Raju and is skeptical of Rosie's unconventional lifestyle.

  23. Write a short note on the role played by Gaffur. -Gaffur, Raju's friend and a taxi driver, plays a supportive role in Raju's life. He helps Raju with transportation needs, offers practical advice, and provides moral support during difficult times. Gaffur's loyalty and friendship are valuable to Raju's ventures.

  24. How did Raju come to be known as Railway Raju? -Raju became known as Railway Raju because of his association with the Malgudi railway station, where his father ran a shop. His familiarity with the railway's operations and his adeptness at guiding travelers earned him the nickname and reputation.

  25. Write a note on the early life of Raju. -Raju's early life involved helping in his father's shop at the Malgudi railway station, where he learned business skills and interacted with travelers. His informal education and exposure to diverse people shaped his charm and communication abilities, preparing him for his future roles.

  26. How does Raju transform his platform shop into a book stall? -Raju expands his father's platform shop by including books, magazines, and newspapers, catering to the interests of travelers. This diversification attracts more customers and increases his profits, transforming the small shop into a thriving book stall.

  27. How did Raju come to be known as Railway Raju? -Raju earned the nickname "Railway Raju" due to his extensive knowledge of the Malgudi railway station and his work as a guide for travelers. His ability to navigate the station and assist passengers made him a well-known and trusted figure in the area.

  28. How did Raju's appreciation of Rosie's dance ambition bring them together? -Raju's genuine appreciation and support for Rosie's dance ambition created a strong emotional bond between them. Unlike her husband Marco, Raju encouraged her to pursue her passion, providing her with the validation and opportunity she needed, which drew them closer together.

  29. Give an account of Rosie's life at Raju's house. -At Raju's house, Rosie faces disapproval from Raju's mother but finds encouragement from Raju. She dedicates herself to practicing and performing dance, striving to achieve success as an artist. Her life is a mix of personal challenges and professional growth.

  30. Describe the incident of Raju's arrest. -Raju is arrested for forging Marco's signature to pawn Rosie's jewelry. Marco discovers the forgery and presses charges. The evidence against Raju is strong, leading to his conviction and imprisonment. This incident marks the downfall of Raju's deceptive practices.

  31. Give a brief character sketch of Raju's mother. -Raju's mother is a traditional, hardworking woman who values family honor and societal norms. She is skeptical of Rosie's influence on Raju and disapproves of her lifestyle. Despite her conservative views, she is devoted to her son and manages the household efficiently.

  32. Briefly describe the inauguration of the Malgudi Railway Station. -The inauguration of the Malgudi Railway Station was a celebratory event, symbolizing progress and connectivity for the town. It brought excitement, new business opportunities, and a sense of modernization, transforming Malgudi into a bustling hub of activity.

  33. Describe Raju's first meeting with Velan. -Raju's first meeting with Velan occurs when Velan seeks advice at the temple, mistaking Raju for a holy man. Velan's respect and faith in Raju initiate their relationship, leading to Raju's eventual acceptance of the role of a spiritual guide.

  34. How did Raju come in contact with Rosie? -Raju meets Rosie when she and her husband Marco visit Malgudi. Rosie, passionate about dance, captivates Raju, who becomes intrigued by her talent and beauty. Their interaction grows as Raju encourages and supports her artistic aspirations.

  35. Why did Raju's maternal uncle visit Raju's house? -Raju's maternal uncle visits to express concern over Raju's involvement with Rosie and the negative impact it has on the family's reputation. He advises Raju to reconsider his choices and warns him about the potential consequences of his actions.

  36. What do you know about Rosie as Nalini, the famous dancer? -As Nalini, Rosie becomes a successful and celebrated dancer. She gains fame and recognition for her talent and performances. Despite personal challenges, her dedication to her art allows her to transform from an oppressed wife into an independent, accomplished artist.

  37. What was Velan's reaction when he heard Raju's confession? Velan reacts with disbelief and sorrow when he hears Raju's confession about not being a true holy man. Despite his disappointment, Velan continues to support Raju, showing his deep faith and respect for the man who has become a significant figure in his life.

  38. Write a short note on the role played by Gaffur. -Gaffur, Raju's loyal friend and taxi driver, provides practical support and advice. He assists Raju with transportation needs and offers moral backing during tough times. His unwavering loyalty and practical wisdom make him a valuable ally in Raju's life.

  39. Who was Marco? What was his profession? What is your opinion of him? -Marco is an archeologist deeply absorbed in his work. He is portrayed as indifferent and emotionally detached, particularly towards his wife, Rosie. Despite his professional dedication, his lack of empathy and support for Rosie's passions paints him as a neglectful and controlling husband.

  40. How did Raju handle the business of his shop at the railway station? -Raju handled the business of his railway station shop with charm and acumen. He expanded the shop's offerings to include books and magazines, catered to travelers' needs, and utilized his engaging personality to attract and retain customers, making the shop a success.

  41. Give a brief account of Raju's life in prison. -In prison, Raju reflects on his past actions and undergoes a period of introspection. He adapts to the prison routine, makes friends among inmates, and gradually gains respect for his ability to mediate conflicts and provide advice, showing his resilience and adaptability.

  42. Who was Rosie? How did she come in contact with Raju? -Rosie, later known as Nalini, is a passionate dancer trapped in an unfulfilling marriage with Marco. She meets Raju when visiting Malgudi with her husband. Raju becomes enamored with her talent and beauty, and they develop a relationship centered around her dance career.

  43. What were the circumstances that led Raju to play the role of a saint? -Raju becomes a saint after being mistaken for a holy man by Velan, who seeks his advice. As villagers' faith in him grows, Raju embraces the role, initially out of convenience but eventually with a genuine desire to help, culminating in his fasting to end a drought.

  44. What advice did Velan give Raju to do as the Saviour of the people? -Velan advised Raju to undertake a fast to bring rain during a severe drought. He believed that Raju's sacrifice and spiritual leadership would appease the gods and end the villagers' suffering, urging Raju to fulfill his role as their savior.

  45. Briefly describe Raju's martyrdom. -Raju's martyrdom occurs during his fast to bring rain to the drought-stricken village. As he grows weaker, he continues to fast, driven by the villagers' faith and his own desire for redemption. On the eleventh day, he collapses, symbolizing his ultimate sacrifice for their belief.

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